Major studio stops Facebook test for advertising in VR games after a few days

Resolution Games ends Facebook’s test to show ads in VR games on the Oculus Quest platform. The studio was the only one mentioned by name by Facebook, where it revolved around the game Blaston. The studio seems to be yielding to criticism from players.

Oculus ads

Resolution Games indicates that it no longer plans to implement the test in its game Blaston. The developer says it came to this decision after listening to player feedback and concluded that Blaston is not a good fit for this type of ad test. Resolution Games says it’s alternatively looking to see if this “little, temporary test” can be moved to their free game called Bait!

This move is likely in response to player criticism. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the announcement of Facebook’s advertising test in considerable numbers by, for example, placing massive negative reviews under the game Blaston. The many single-star reviews can be seen on the Blaston page on the Oculus Store and on Steam, among others .

Facebook announced last week that it is starting a test to show ads in some VR games . In addition, Facebook said the test would begin with the game Blaston and other developers would follow in the coming weeks. Blaston was the only title mentioned, making it the main VR game for the test for the time being. It is unknown if this will affect the progress of Facebook’s test.
