Samsung acknowledges problems with deteriorating SSDs and is working on a solution

Samsung acknowledges that users may experience issues with the 990 Pro SSDs. The company says it is working on an update that will stop the quality of the SSDs from deteriorating quickly. That update is expected sometime this month.

Samsung says in a response to Computer Base that it is “aware of and investigating issues.” The company notes that user configurations can differ and that the problems can therefore occur for some users and not for others.

Users of the 990 Pro SSDs, usually those of 2TB, have recently reported weeks that their drives degrade rapidly according to management tools such as Samsung’s own Magician tool or CrystalDiskInfo. The health would drop to 95 percent within a few days, also say Reddit Users. Samsung has long been silent about the problems, but has now acknowledged in an official response that they exist. However, the company does not say in that response whether it will solve them.

It does a moderator on Samsung’s forum does. The moderator says he has spoken with Samsung technicians. They would have told him that they could reproduce the problems under certain circumstances. Samsung would therefore meanwhile work on a fix, which should be released sometime later this month. More details are not yet known.

The problems with the 990 Pro are not the only ones that affect Samsung SSDs. It recently emerged that 980 Pro SSDs can enter read-only mode after a firmware update, after which Samsung had to advise users not to update their SSDs.
